Accommodation Request

* indicates a required field

Student Information

This form is the correct place to begin requesting academic accommodations from Disability Support Services for the first time. If you have previously requested accommodations, and want to view them and associated materials, you should log into the SMCM Accommodate system. Within the system, you can complete a Semester Request to activate your accommodations for the current term.

All SMCM communication will be sent to a student's SMCM email account.

Specific Accommodation Information

Below, you will find a list of disabilities. Because there can be significant nuance within each category of disability, it is important for you to help us understand the details of your condition as it affects your education. Please clarify the accommodations you are requesting.

Select all that apply.
Is this a temporary or permanent disability?Required
Select 'Temporary' to reflect short-term disabilities like broken bones and concussions.

Please note that accommodations you may have received in high school may not necessarily be provided at the postsecondary level.
If you have never received accommodations before or are unsure of what accommodations you need, you can put "I am not sure" in the field above.
Upload supporting document(s)
If you do not have documents at this time, please continue with your request.